8 Tips on How to Control Your Anger
As humans, we experience a wide range of emotions, from happiness and love to sadness and anger. While it is perfectly normal to feel angry and upset at times, it becomes a problem when anger starts to take control of our lives. If you find yourself lashing out at others or having difficulty controlling your temper, it may be time to begin exploring options for how to control your anger.

Techniques for How to Control Your Anger
Being angry may cause problems in both our personal and professional lives. It may damage relationships, lead to job loss, and even cause physical health problems. Learning how to control your anger is essential for maintaining a happy and healthy life. When it comes to anger management, each person is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, there are some general techniques that may help manage anger.
1. Focus On Relaxation
When we get angry, our body goes into fight-or-flight mode. This means that our heart rate and blood pressure increase, and we may start to feel tense. Therefore, finding ways to relax our body and mind when we begin to feel angry is important. If you find yourself in a situation where you are starting to feel angry, try some relaxation techniques such as:
- Taking deep breaths and counting to ten
- Visualizing a peaceful place
- Listening to calming music
- Practicing yoga
- Meditating
- Tai chi
Whatever it is that works to help you relax, make sure to do it as soon as you start to feel angry. The sooner you can get your body and mind to relax, the easier it will be to let go of the anger. Finding ways to relax regularly may also be beneficial in preventing negative emotions such as anger from taking control.
2. Think Before You Speak or Act
Being angry may drive us to do and say things we may later regret. That being said, it is crucial to think about the possible consequences of our words and actions before we let anger take over. For example, if you are angry with a coworker, think about whether it would be more productive to talk to them about the issue or to just let it go. In most cases, it is best to wait until you have calmed down before taking action.
Coming up with solutions to a specific problem is almost always better when you have a clear head. If you find it difficult to think before you speak or act when you are angry, try writing down what you want to say or do before taking action. This will give you time to cool down and think about the situation more clearly.
3. Avoid Triggers
Being angry often involves outside triggers such as people, places, or events. If you can identify what sets off your anger before it happens, you will be in a better position to avoid it. For example, if you know you tend to get angry when you are hungry, make sure to eat regular meals throughout the day. If you are mad because of something someone said, try walking away from the situation or telling the person that you need some time to cool down.
Avoiding triggers is not always possible, but it may help manage your emotions. Understanding what sets off your anger may be beneficial in finding other ways to deal with the emotion. As you become more aware of your triggers, you may also find that some of them are things you can eliminate from your life altogether.
4. Get Some Exercise
Participating in your favorite sports, going to the gym, or running around the block are great ways to eliminate anger. Exercise may help release built-up tension and frustration and improve your mood by releasing endorphins. Additionally, as you exercise, you may notice an improvement in making more rational judgments. Stepping out for a bit of fresh air may also be helpful when you are feeling angry.
5. Change Your Perspective
Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes isn’t always easy, but if you can find it in yourself, it may help change your perspective on a situation. For instance, if you are angry with a friend for canceling plans, try to see the situation from their point of view. Maybe they had a family emergency or were too tired to go out. Chances are, they didn’t cancel because they wanted to upset you.
Looking at things from a different perspective can help you to see that the situation may not be as bad as you thought. It may also help increase your empathy and understanding for others. While you may not always be able to change your perspective, it is worth considering the other person’s point of view before getting angry and lashing out.
6. Confide in a Friend or Family Member
Finding ways to express your anger in a healthy and productive way is crucial for managing the emotion. One of the best ways to do this is to confide in a friend or family member. Talking about what makes you angry may help lessen the intensity of the emotion. Moreover, if you find it difficult to see things from another person’s perspective, talking to someone about the situation may offer a different viewpoint you hadn’t considered.
7. Take Time for Yourself
When someone or something has upset you, it is important to take some time for yourself to cool down. It is perfectly okay to tell someone that you need some time alone. This may help prevent you from saying or doing something you may regret. There are many ways to take time for yourself, such as:
- Reading
- Taking a bath
- Going for a walk
- Playing with a pet
- Going to the driving range
- Listening to music
- Picking up a new hobby.
Taking the time for self-care is essential for managing your anger in a healthy way. When you take care of yourself, you are better able to deal with stressful situations. You may also find it harder to become angry in the first place if you are taking care of your needs. Finding an outlet for your anger is crucial so that it does not build up and explode in an unhealthy way.
8. Learn To Forgive
When we are angry, we may hold onto the negative emotion for a long time. Holding a grudge may be detrimental to our mental and physical health. For this reason, it is crucial to learn to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting what happened or condoning the person’s actions. Instead, forgiveness is a way to let go of the anger and resentment you are feeling.
Finding it in you to forgive someone may be difficult, but it is worth considering. When you forgive someone, you are choosing to release the negative emotion and move on with your life. This may allow you to focus on more positive aspects of your life and save relationships that may be struggling.
Find Out How to Control Your Anger with Mile High Psychiatry
The above tips may help you manage your anger and calm down. However, if you find that your anger is out of control seeking professional help may be the best option. At Mile High Psychiatry, we can provide you with the resources and support you need to manage your anger.
If you are looking for ways to control your anger, contact us today to set up an appointment. By working with one of our mental health providers, you can develop the skills necessary for managing your anger in a healthy way.

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